Smart Parking for Smarter Mobility

Register for a membership today

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* By registering you accept our Terms & Conditions.


Diplomatic Quarter General Authority



Save Money

Membership will save up to 70% on our site compared to the cost of a short term ticket.

Save Time

It’s easy to compare parking at all major spots. Booking a reservation is quick & simple!

Save Stress

Guarantee your parking spot by booking in advance. Can’t make it? Cancellations are free.


Car Wash

Simply drive up and go with our Parklogic service. Why not add a car wash? Development


ParkLogic offers Transportation from Parking Lots to varies destinations based on customer requirements.

Concierge Options

Take advantage of our Concierge services and have us help you out.

Safe And Secure

24 hour surveillance to ensure your car is safe and secure while you are away.

Park Logic Ticketing Solutions

Whether it´s a Short-term ticket, Long-term ticket, Reservation QRCode, Invitation or group access ticket, ParkLogic has the right data carrier for every authorization type.

Park Logic Memberships

Becoming a member is easy, and you get a lot of great extras that casual users don't, such as cheaper rates and automatic billing without having to wait at the pay machines plus a whole lot more...
